
Sources close to the family of Libyan businessman Abdul Rahman Gaja reported that he was arrested by Saudi security units while he was in Medina.

The sources said that Gaja's arrest could be related to an arrest warrant issued against him by the Tunisian authorities.

In early May, the Head of the Libyan Business Owners Council, Rashid Sawan, called on Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah to intervene regarding the Tunisian authorities' arrest warrant against Gaja, saying the Tunisian side didn't explain the reason for the warrant.

Sawan added at the time that the Tunisian decision made businessmen in Libya afraid to carry out business with the Tunisian side, saying this issue does not amount to issuing an international arrest warrant, and it was possible to write to the Libyan government, especially since both countries have a strong economic and intra-trade relationship, about any issue regarding any Libyan businessman who has banking transactions between the two countries.

Sawan urged Dbeibah to form a committee, which includes a delegation from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economy and Trade as well as Finance, with the Central Bank of Libya, and the Business Owners Council, to visit Tunisia, to find out this problem, which included a large number of Libyan businessmen whose accounts in Tunisia were suspended, and to find out the reasons for escalation.