Two fighters from the Omar Al-Mukhtar Operations Room of Dignity Operation were injured by Derna Shura Council fighters' fire as they were trying to advance on Derna city via Daher Al-Hamar, west of the besieged city.
A spokesman for the Derna Shura Council said they targeted Dignity Operation militias as they attempted to push forward into the inside of the city.
Meanwhile, the Qubba city's Field Hospital said two of Dignity Operation fighters arrived sustaining wounds from what appeared to be clashes in Derna, reporting no deaths in the incident.
The forces led by Khalifa Haftar prevented Monday people from going out via Kersa road as they gathered in there once they heard the route was open, with tens of them standing in files since the early morning, however the besieging forces of Dignity Operation refused to allow them out.
"The roads must remain closed." Commander of the Omar Al-Mukhtar room, Colonel Kamal Al-Jabali reiterated in a visit he paid to the fighters in Kersa.
For over 15 months, Dignity Operation forces have been laying a tight siege on Derna and since then they have kept tightening the siege on the area day in and day out until they choked the life out of the city, as told by their leader - Haftar - causing a humanitarian calamity in the city.