The Zintan Military Council released a letter yesterday directed at the (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in reply to statements she made on the situation in Libya and other matters, at the 7934th meeting of the Security Council.
After speaking briefly about what she described as the general deterioration of the security situation in Libya. Bensouda carried on by highlighting several points, one being the dedication by her office to continue to investigate Libyan matters, the new warrant of arrest for the former head of the internal security agency Khaled Tuhamy, and the fact that the ICC is actively collecting evidence on issues like the alleged crimes against humanity in Ganfouda. However, it was her comments made about Saif Gaddafi, son of the slain former dictator that struck a chord with the Zintan Military council.
In her Security Council meeting address, Bensouda stated that she had reliable information that Ajmi Attiri no longer imprisons Saif Gaddafi but rather the Zintan Military Council. A claim the Council vehemently denies stating in return “We the Zintan Military Council declare that the statements made by the prosecutor of the ICC of which she said were reliable are completely false, we do not know the whereabouts of the suspect Saif Gaddafi or the conditions of his captivity”
The Zintan Military Council also directed a statement to media outlets stating that reports of an assassination attempt are also false, stating that Zintan tribes treat their prisoners humanly according to Islamic traditions.
The last appearance of Saif Gaddafi was via videolink before a court in Tripoli in May 2014 to face charges of war crimes and corruption. Two months later, he was sentenced to death in absentia.