
Libyan Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, expressed his wishes of success to the secondary school completion certificate students who started the first day of exams on Sunday.

More than 115,000 students began taking the English language exams in all cities and regions of the country, as Dbeibah addressed them in a video statement, saying: “We know that you have spent a very large amount of time preparing for these exams. I call on you to be confident and persistent, for you are the flower of this future."

He also greeted all workers in the education system and those in charge of exams, saying: “I remind you of the great responsibility entrusted to you in ensuring that these exams go in the best way, and to provide a suitable environment for our students so that we can help them focus on what is required of them.”

Statistics published by Hakomitna platform on Facebook indicate that 115,196 students will take the secondary school certificate exams in 7.927 halls throughout the country.

2,366 observers, 815 committee chairs, 815 educational observers, 19,348 invigilators, 815 psychological counselors, and 815 health paramedics participate in monitoring the exams, while 3.260 guard personnel participate in the security part. The exams will end on Thursday, July 11, with Islamic education, according to the schedules published by the Ministry of Education of the Government of National Unity.