Since the return of Tawergha's IDPs, following the agreement signed with Misurata, officials have taken steps to restore normal social life in the town, with some utility services back in operation, schools reopened, and the town is showing signs of revival.
In this context, maintenance work had begun in Tawergha's court and prosecution premise under the supervision of the planning department of the Ministry of Justice.
According to the ministry, the judicial facilities will undergo a major overhaul with a functional approach.
"The project comes as part of the ministry's efforts to develop the infrastructure of its institutions, and to provide an appropriate environment for the judicial staff," the ministry explained on its Facebook page.
It is noteworthy that the dispute between the two cities goes back to 2011 when Tawergha lined-up with Gaddafi's forces against the revolutionaries who toppled Gadaffi's regime.
In 2018, the two parties held direct talks away from external interference. The negotiations culminated in June of the same year with an agreement that ended the suffering and displacement of around 30,000 people from Tawergha.