Benghazi municipality said that it would rebuild some historical buildings in the same way they were built in the past, such as Souq Al-Hout and Souq Al-Rabea, in order to preserve the identity of the city as per the project to modernize the general urban plan for the city of Benghazi, which is under  implementation, as well as the planning standards and architectural style of the historic old city. After a field visit to the city center sites by the Executive Council of Benghazi Municipality and the Benghazi-Derna Cities Reconstruction Fund. 

According to the Benghazi municipality, the visit included an inspection tour of some sites in the center of the city, which came within the framework of following up the work to preserve historical markets and buildings that affect the national identity and cultural heritage of Benghazi, such as: Municipality Square, Souq Al-Hout and Souq Al-Rabea, Omar Al-Mukhtar Street, Al-Khalisa Square, Al-Manar Palace, Cyrenaica Legislative Parliament, in addition to some historical houses such as Hosh Al-Kikhia.

Benghazi is currently witnessing an intense campaign to remove and demolish a number of buildings in the center of the city, which included historical and archaeological buildings and affected the houses of the locals, thus leading to angering the families, some of whom criticized the eviction procedures and the compensation payments.