
Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibeh and Khaled Shakshak, Head of the Audit Bureau, have agreed to enhance the development plan and ensure financial flows for ongoing projects. 

The meeting, held on Thursday at the Audit Bureau HQ in Tripoli, focused on infrastructure projects, particularly in the water and sanitation sectors.

The officials discussed several service files and the features of the development budget 2024, alongside following up on the oil and gas sector.

According to the PM media office, the discussions emphasized stabilizing the electricity network, addressing municipal bottlenecks, and providing essential operational materials.

PM Dbeibeh underscored the necessity of giving top priority to water and sanitation projects in all development plans, as he stressed the importance of ensuring water supply to all regions and addressing sanitation issues by establishing essential stations.

The meeting also underscored the need to support executive bodies and the electricity and oil sectors, pushing forward development efforts. The officials agreed to support the government's initiatives to transfer responsibilities to municipalities and implement local development, enhancing the role of municipalities.

The meeting grouped the Acting Minister of Oil and Gas, the Acting Minister of Planning, the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, the Director General of the Sovereign Sector, and the Director General of the Service Sector at the Audit Bureau.