Derna Municipality, Derna Shura Council, and Derna Elders and Notables Council all signed a charter to preserve the institutions of the city and facilitate their work with a sole legitimate authoritative reference – the Libyan Fatwa House.

On Saturday, all Derna councils signed the charter that says Islamic Sharia is the only source of legislation in the country and that they will support whichever government is supported by all of the Libyan people and above all the Sharia scholars.

“Libya’s sovereignty mustn’t be violated and thus we do not accept any trusteeship that would destabilize Libya. Also, we will use force against violence advocators and those who accuse others of being “Kufar” -blasphemous – to attack them and rob their properties.” The statement reads.

The agreement included support for the city’s court by appointing judges and using laws modified by the Fatwa House as well as reopening a security department that can bring back stability in the city, let alone the drive to reopen all state institutions in the city aiming at establishing and strengthening the social ties among all the residents of Derna and neighboring districts.

“All the institutions that we will reopen are not affiliated with any political powers or conflicting governments in the country.” The statement concludes.