Ibrahim Al-Dressi

The Prime Minister of the parallel government, Osama Hammad, said on Saturday that he was following “with great concern” the disappearance of the member of the House of Representatives Ibrahim Al-Dressi, announcing his instructions to all agencies to intensify efforts to find him and to reveal the circumstances of the incident.

Hammad said a number of members of the House of Representatives confirmed on Friday that they had lost contact with their colleague Ibrahim Al-Dressi since Thursday evening, confirming that his car had been found in the Sidi Faraj area east of Benghazi, after the latter “attended the celebration un Benghazi  on Thursday to commemorate Operation Dignity." They said Al-Dressi was fine until 8 p.m., after which he never answered his mobile phone and it was turned off. 

Meanwhile, the Head of the Security Media Office in the Ministry of the Interior of the parallel government, Mohammed Abu Lamosha, denied the rumors about Al-Dressi's killing, saying that the Benghazi Security Directorate received a report on Friday afternoon about his disappearance, “after a group entered his house and robbed him in the late hours of last Thursday."

He pointed out that the Ministry of Interior assigned the Benghazi Security Director, the Internal Security Agency, and the Criminal Investigation Agency to open a comprehensive and urgent investigation to determine the circumstances of Al-Dressi's disappearance.