Derna Shura Council has closed the city’s court and police stations, asking all their working staff to leave in order not to be used as a pretext under which Haftar’s militias could bomb Derna and its residents.

In a statement, Derna Shura Council denounced the airstrikes carried out by Haftar’s militias, describing them as “evil and faulty militias who hate justice and security.” It also accused the militias of deliberately targeting civilians, who live nearby the court and police stations, which have been reactivated by the council in order to apply the laws in the city and prevail stability and security.

“We thank all the residents of Derna for putting their trust in those who work in the court and police, and who showed great willingness to keep on working as before even after the airstrikes.” The statement reads.

The statement also added that that the council is committed to preserve the city’s security and avoid the civilians the frequent bombing, reminding everyone that it had handed over the Pearl Hotel and the city’s port as well as the university buildings to the authorized officials, pointing out that what Haftar’s militias are saying about using those locations as weapons depots is absolutely untrue and a sheer lie used to justify their airstrikes on Derna.

On Saturday dawn, Haftar’s militias carried out five airstrikes on Derna targeting residential buildings, some of which are located in the vicinity of the courthouse and one of the city’s police stations, killing one person, and injuring almost a dozen.