The Supreme Council of Libya's Amazigh has described the fighting in southern Libya as a blatant violation of human rights, calling on the UN Support Mission in Libya to assume responsibility for the outcome of the violations.
The council condemned in a statement on Thursday the violations against the Tubu tribe in Murzuq and the rest of southern Libya, adding that the violations included airstrikes on innocent children and elderly by the so-called "Arab Army."
"Using power and violence keeps the current crisis alive and threatens the chances of democracy and civilian statehood. It also paves the way for the military rule." the statement reads.
It adds that fighting terrorism and extremism is a national duty for all Libyans without any discrimination.
Haftar's forces launched a military operation in southern Libya and had been using, according to sources, Sudanese Justice and Equality rebels as fighters in some southern districts. Many have been injured and some have been killed in different areas in the south since the start of the operation, with some describing it as "ethnic cleansing of Tubu tribespeople."