
The Assistant Chief of the General Staff of the Libyan Army, Salah Al-Namroush, issued instructions to prevent the crossing of any undesignated military vehicles in the direction of the Ras Ajdair border.

The West Coast Military Zone reported Al-Namroush’s assertion of the necessity of dealing firmly with anyone who violates these instructions, in light of the stationing of the battalions assigned by the General Staff of the Libyan Army at the entrances and exits of the Abu Kammash area.

Military sources have previously spoken about declaring the area from Abu Kammash to the Ras Ajdair border a military zone, and preventing the passage of any unauthorized military vehicles.

The military developments come after postponing the reopening of the border with Tunisia three times in a row due to tensions in the surrounding areas.

Two days ago, Zuwara witnessed military clashes at the eastern entrance to the city following the entry of a military force from outside of the city, saying it was tasked with joining the force that would secure the Ras Ajdair border.