The Libyan Prime Minister, who was designated by the House of Representatives, Fathi Bashagha, launched Monday “Roadmap to Recovery” in which he pledged to recover Libya from security, economic and political crises.
Bashagha said he would be committed to several measures that could lead Libya to elections and beyond, after a decade of lost opportunities and turmoil.
Bashagha said he would seek to hold free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible so that the Libyan people have the right to decide on their own fate. He also pledged to create the position of the Chief Coordinator for Elections and Voters Affairs to work on the technical requirements, timetables and steps necessary for holding elections.
He also pledged to ensure security and economic prosperity, saying that changes must be made in terms of the stability of basic services, transparency, financial accountability and stability, adding that there is a need for achieving safety and security, the right to vote in elections for all, the stability of oil production, the fight against corruption, and the support of the international community.
Bashagha's roadmap came five days after the approval of his government's budget (89.6 billion dinars = 20 billion dollars) by the House of Representatives. It's unclear though whether or not the Central Bank of Libya will pass this budget.