Deterrence Anti-terrorism and Anti-organized-crime Apparatus has denied association with Brigade 444 of the Tripoli Military Zone, saying it's working autonomously and isn't connected to the recent "skirmishes", referring to the security unrest that took place in Tripoli between Brigade 444 and other capital-based armed factions.
The apparatus said in a statement that those who claim affiliation to the apparatus represent themselves. It added that only the commander and those whom he appoints represent the apparatus.
"We fight organized crime and terrorism all over Libya without exception. This is something that all Libyan police and security apparatuses should rally around." The statement added.
Tripoli saw security unrest after the Presidential Council had appointed Abdelkader Mansour as Tripoli Military Zone commander in place of Abdelbasit Marwan, which triggered a reaction by armed factions.
Brigade 444 is a part of the Defense Ministry under Tripoli Military Zone. It used to be a part of Deterrence Apparatus under the name "20-20 Battalion". It split from the apparatus after the war on Tripoli and renamed itself to Brigade 444.