
The Chairman of the committee for the reactivation of the Agreement of Friendship between Libya and Italy, the Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs of the Government of National Unity, Walid Al-Lafi, followed up with the Italian Minister of Industry, Adolfo Urso, the procedures for activating the agreement that was signed in 2008.

According to a statement issued by the government, the agreement includes constructing a coastal highway from western to eastern Libya, in addition to completing housing projects, providing scholarships to Libyan students at Italian universities, and encouraging Italian companies to invest in Libya.

Al-Lafi also discussed with the Italian Minister cooperation in developing digital infrastructure, improving government electronic services, and studying innovative solutions for using technology in areas with limited population.

It is noteworthy that the Italian Minister of Industry is on a two-day visit in Tripoli, as part of "Mattei Plan" for Africa. During the visit, the Italian Minister met with the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohammed Al-Huweij, and the Minister of Industry and Minerals, Ahmed Abu Hissa, in addition to Al-Lafi.

"The Minister will deliver his speech during the visit as a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Industry and Technology in Libya,” The Italian Ministry of Industry said, adding that “he will participate in the 50th Edition of the Tripoli International Fair, in which more than 100 Italian companies will participate.”

The Ministry's statement indicates that the visit, which comes a few days after Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s visit to the Libyan capital, is part of the Minister's official mission to Africa, which has begun in Egypt, and will continue on May 27, in Tunisia.