Weather Forecast

The National Meteorological Center (NMC) expected the temperature to remain moderate in the northwestern regions and the far east coast. In contrast, it remains hot in the northeast and the central and southern areas, with temperatures ranging between (37 - 44°C) and expected to witness a slight decrease in some regions of the northeast.
The NCM expected in its daily bulletin that thunderclouds would increase during the evening in the areas of Qarayyat, Mizdah, some areas of Nafusa Mountain, the far western coast, Ghadames, Hamada, Ubari, Al-Jufra, Ghat, and their vicinity, interspersed with scattered rain.

 The weather bulletin about the weather conditions in Libya, for Monday, June 03, 2024, is as follows:

1.    Area extending from Ras Jadir to Sirte - Al-Jafara Plain - Jabal Nafusa (North West of Libya):

- Sky condition:     Partly covered with clouds during the evening in Ras Jadir up to Sirte, the Al-Jafara Plain, Jabal Nafusa areas, with the possibility of scattered rain, interspersed with thunderstorm cells, especially over Mazdah - Al-Qurayyat and their surroundings - some areas of the mountain - the areas of the far western coast.
- Wind: Moderate northwesterly to northeasterly. Tomorrow, it will gradually turn into an easterly wind over coastal areas, with an active speed causing some dust.
- Temperature: Ranges between (24-27 °C) in coastal areas, and it will be between (30-37°C) in the interior.

2. Gulf - Benghazi plain up to Emssad (North East of Libya):
- Sky condition:    Clouds increase sometimes over the Gulf region and the Benghazi Plain up to Emssad, especially Jabal Al-Akhdar.
- Wind: Easterly-southeasterly, light to moderate, turning in the evening to northwesterly at Ras Lanuf and al-Berqa, active in speed.
- Temperature: Ranges between (34-41°C), reaching (44°C) in Ajdabiya and not expected to exceed (27 °C) in the far eastern coast, and it will witness a slight decline tomorrow in some places.
3. Al-Jufra - Sabha - Ghat - Ghadames – Hamada (South West of Libya):
- Sky condition:  Few clouds, sometimes multiplying, interspersed with thunderstorms, with the possibility of scattered rain falling in Ghat - Ghadames, Al-Hamada-Ubari, Al-Haruj Mountains. 
- Wind: Vary in direction, north to northeasterly, light speed, while southwesterly to southeasterly in Ghadames, moderate speed.
- Temperature: Ranging between (39-44°C), in most areas.

 4.  The Oases - Sarir - Tazirbo – Kufra (South East of Libya):
- Sky condition: Sparsely cloudy.
- Wind: Light to moderate southeasterly, gradually turning to northeasterly.
- Temperature: Ranging between (41-45 °C).