Muhammad Menfi, Head of the Presidential Council, held an expanded meeting with an array of ambassadors on Wednesday in the presence of his deputy Abdulla Al-Lafi to discuss the developing situation in Libya.
A statement by the PC head media office said the meeting reviewed the PC's efforts in advancing the political process, making national reconciliation a success, and addressing the political impasse.
Following the meeting, the PC spokeswoman said that Menfi reiterated his support for the initiative of UN Special Adviser on Libya, Stephanie Williams, and for the efforts of lawmakers and the HCS to reach a consensus on the voting laws to maintain the momentum towards an election, long waited by Libyans.
Also in the meeting were UN Rep. Stephanie Williams and the Head of the EU mission to Libya, Jose Sabadell, while several ambassadors joined in via video conference.
The participants exchanged notes on the role of political forces to resolve the Libyan crisis, based on the outcomes of the political dialogue, through Berlin 1 and 2 conferences and emphasized the need to continue efforts through peaceful tracks.
Menfi insisted that the crisis in Libya needs a political and not a legal decision, highlighting the progress made on the political track starting from the Skhirat Agreement to the Berlin tracks and the Geneva Dialogue.
The PC spokeswoman quoted him as saying that they will not allow a return to division or violence and that the PC represents the unity of Libya and is committed to working with all parties.