The Municipality of Tajoura decided to name one of its main seaside roads, located in the Hamidiya area, as ‘Suleiman the Magnificent Road’ in commemoration of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.

The Mayor, Hussein Bin Attiya said that this step comes to celebrate this great historical figure who sent troops and leaders, amongst whom was one of the most important figures in Libyan history, the Ottoman leader, Murad Agha, who assisted the people of Tripoli in liberating their city.

Bin Attiya confirmed that the road, which begins at the lighthouse of the Hamidiyya ‘Al-Fanar’ and leads to the roundabout named Jazeerat Esban, a region where the Spanish soldiers landed when they occupied Tripoli in the year 1510.

It is worth noting that in excess of 5000 Libyans lost their lives in the Spanish conquest of Tripoli, whilst thousands more were taken as captives, however, with the help of Suleiman the Magnificent, Tripoli was subsequently liberated from the Spanish rule in the year 1551.