The Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) Aqila Saleh asked the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) to spend budget funds only on salaries and subsidies, adding in a letter via Presidency Affairs Director Awad Al-Firuri, that there are some budget items shouldn't be disapproved for spending.
Al-Fituri said spending should continue until a budget law is appointing or a decision is made by the legislative authority, calling for handling the issues pf the executive authority so it could achieve the roadmap committee’s outcomes.
According to this request by the HoR, all of the raises, incentives and other financial packages announced by PM Abdul Hamid Dbeibha for Education, Health and Social Security sectors will be put on hold.
On January 25, the HoR sent a similar letter to the CBL telling it of the vote to withdraw confidence in the Government of National Unity, a step seen by many politicians in Libya as another attempt to restrict the work of Dbeibah.