Locals from the city of Tobruk offered their apology to the member of the House of Representatives from the city of Khoms (west of Libya) Abu Bakir Bin Milad on the behaviour of his fellow Benghazi MP Badir Naheeb, who attempted to assault Bin Milad during the HoR session last Tuesday.
A number of people gathered in the Martyrs Square on Friday afternoon in the presence of MP Bin Milad and delivered a written apology to himon behalf of the residents of Tobruk.
Naheeb physically assaulted Abu Bakir Bin Milad during Tuesday's session after the latter criticized the actions of some MPs of the eastern region, including Naheeb, who closed the HoR building on Monday to prevent the MPs from voting on the referendum law.
Click to see the assault [VIDEO::https://www.facebook.com/lyobserver/videos/1584690101636064/]