A delegation from Libyan Arabs and another from Tebu who inhabit Murzuq district in south Libya have signed a reconciliation agreement at the conclusion of peace and reconciliation dialogue under the auspices of the United States (US) in Tunisia, according to US embassy in Libya.
The US embassy said Sunday that the reconciliation agreement between the Tebu and Arabs of Murzuq was facilitated by the American Bar Association and the Southern Local Mediators Organization, hailing the two delegations for choosing peace over war.
“We congratulate the Tebu and Arab delegations who chose peace over war, and signed yesterday in Tunis, in front of the SASG on Libya, Stephanie Williams, a reconciliation agreement that will pave the way for the safe return of displaced people, transitional justice, and better services for the people of Murzuq.” The US embassy said in a statement.
It added that USAID, which oversaw the whole process, and its partners stand ready to support the implementation of this reconciliation agreement and build a peaceful and prosperous Murzuq.
USAID Country Director, John Pennell, addressed the delegations on behalf of US Ambassador Richard Norland, and expressed American support for additional mediation and reconciliation among Libyans.
The racial conflicts between Arab and Tebu residents of Murzuq, and south Libya in general, started decades ago but has become dangerously serious since 2018 when Khalifa Haftar controlled Murzuq and Arabs supported his forces who committed violations against Tebu tribesmen, killing tens of them and displacing hundreds of families.