
Libyana mobile phone company denied on Friday evening that its data had been hacked, confirming that its system was operating normally. The denial came as a response to what was circulated a few days ago about the company being hacked.

Febrayer TV channel cited the director of the company's media office, Abdelmonem Bushkiwa, as saying that there had been no breach of the company's data and the system was operating normally, adding that there wasn't a single complaint by any person.

The Telecom Holding Company denied, in a statement issued Saturday, the leak of any data related to the users of Libyana mobile phone company, following cyber-attacks on the Libyana database, clarifying that the data that was attacked was related to the internal system of employees within the company, not the call log or users' social media accounts, as some have claimed in the past few days. 

The company referred to the formation of a cybersecurity team to address such attacks and protect the data of Libyan citizens, pointing out that the battle of cybersecurity continues all over the world, and they are carrying out continuous daily work to protect networks. 

Over the past three days, local IT activists and a website specialized in analyzing piracy and hacking reported that Libyana was hacked. Hackmank website, which is specialized in following up hacking with the aim of analyzing them, said that the hackers seized data related to financial and accounting documents, personal information, passport data, auditor reports, strategic information, marketing data, non-disclosure documents, and contracts from Libyana Company and a record of correspondence and conversations with the company's management.

The website indicated that the hackers were able to have access to Libyana's website, taking advantage of many weaknesses in the protection system of the Libyan Telecom Company.