Al-Madina Scouts Squad in Tripoli demanded they return to their headquarters in the capital so that they can resume work after they had been expelled by a judicial verdict from the North Tripoli Court of First Instance.

The Chief of the Scouts Squad, Abdel Al-Aziz Al-Dahmani, told the press that the North Tripoli Court of First Instance ordered that they evacuate their Dahra headquarters after a lawsuit filed by a businessman who claimed ownership of the building.

“However, all the evidence and documents the businessman gave to the court were false.” Al-Dahmani added.

He also called on the authorities to interfere and stop the implementation of the verdict in order to allow the scouts to resume their work at their Dahra HQ, which they have been using since the foundation of Al-Madina Scouts Squad.

A number of scouts in different squads in Tripoli organized several sit-ins on Wednesday and Thursday in solidarity with the demands of Al-Madina Scouts Squad, calling on the relevant authorities to help override the court’s verdict.