
The Libyan Minister of Education Moussa Al-Megaryef has announced, together with the Head of National Examination Center Al-Sayed Ahmed, that the success rate of the certificate of the primary school's final exams is 53.88%, congratulating the students who succeeded from the first round and wishing those who failed a successful second exams' round. 

Al-Megaryef also commended the efforts of the High Committee for Supervising Carrying out Primary School Certificate Examination, the central committees and invigilators' committees, and all workers in the education sector, including teachers, school principals, educational inspectors, school administrators, invigilators, the Education Ministry’s Secretariat, and others. 

The Head of the National Examinations Center said that the number of students for the first round exams reached (187,693), of whom (101,107) passed: (28,349) obtained an excellent grade, and (42519) got a very good grade, (27138) got a good grade, and (3101) got an acceptable grade, while the number of students who would resit the exams in a second round reached (86536).