The municipal council, military council and elders’ council of Jadu city as we as its civil societies seconded Amazigh and Tubu tribes’ statement about boycotting the upcoming constitution referendum and rejected the current constitution draft.
Jadu components’ statement said building a new Libya can only be based on actual equality among all Libyans without any kind of discrimination – not race, not language, not color or religious doctrine.
The statement deplores elimination and marginalization policies against the Amazigh people and taking away their rights of being part of drafting the Libyan constitution.
“Such policies stand in the way of national reconciliation and the efforts to strike peace and stability as well as justice and equality in Libya.” The statement reads.
Jadu components blamed the Presidential Council, House of Representatives and Constitution Drafting Assembly for the legal and ethical repercussions of heir hindrance of the building of an equal state for all Libyans.
They also called on the UNSMIL and other organizers of the Libyan National Conference to makes changes before it is too late, saying they are firmly clinging to their rights of language, culture and politics in Libya.
Amazigh and Tubu tribes rejected the constitution draft, rendering it as “eliminatory.”
In 2014, the Supreme Council of Libyan Amazigh boycotted the Constitution Drafting Assembly and all Amazigh cities and districts rejected having elections for the assembly as well.
Libyan Amazigh have been calling for announcing their language as an official language in Libya since the 17 February revolution in 2011.